Last reviewed: September 2023
For review: September 2026
1. What is a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A complaint can be made by an individual or a group. You may wish to complain if you are not satisfied with the way you have been treated, the service you have received or the tuition you have received from the British Wheel of Yoga or a British Wheel of Yoga course tutor.
2. What is not covered by this complaints procedure
Anonymous complaints and unreasonable / vexatious complaints are not covered by the policy. Further, complainants are not entitled to the details of any sanctions imposed on staff arising from their complaint, irrespective of the nature of the complaint and whether it is upheld.
3. Principles of British Wheel of Yoga complaints procedure
3.1 The British Wheel of Yoga recognises that complaints are an important part of member/customer feedback.
- All complaints will be investigated fully and fairly.
- The confidentiality of complainants will be respected, and the identity of complainants only made known to those involved in investigating the complaint and acting on the findings of the investigation.
- If the complainant is not happy with the result of the response to the complaint, they will have the right to appeal.
3.2 The British Wheel of Yoga is committed to ensuring that its services and courses are of the highest quality. The complaints procedure enables The British Wheel of Yoga to respond clearly and properly to complaints and to know when and why people are not satisfied with its services and courses, so that it can improve them.
4. Who can make a complaint?
4.1 This procedure is for anyone who has received a service from The British Wheel of Yoga, including but not limited to services provided by a British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher or British Wheel of Yoga Training (BWYT) Centre/course. Those who wish to make a complaint against a British Wheel of Yoga Accredited Training organisation (ATO) should in the first instance apply directly to the ATO and follow the ATO’s policy and practice procedures. ATOs are external training organisations that meet BWY standards for delivery of Yoga qualifications and will have their own complaints policy in place.
4.2 This procedure does not cover complaints made by British Wheel of Yoga paid staff, volunteers and trustees who need to follow agreed grievance, disciplinary or other internal procedures.
Complaints about BWY employees should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer.
5. Procedure
5.1 If your complaint is about The British Wheel of Yoga, a British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher or a BWYT course or centre, there are three stages that you can go through to try and resolve the issue. The procedure for training complaints is slightly different due to the requirements of Ofqual relating to our regulated qualifications.
The three stages are:
5.2 Stage One (Informal)
In the first instance it is the responsibility of the complainant to try to resolve a problem with the tutor or individual concerned.
5.3 Stage Two (Formally registering a complaint)
If you are not satisfied with the response you have received at stage one (informal), then you should use stage two of this procedure.
5.3.1 Outline the details of your complaint by emailing [email protected] or by letter for the attention of the Senior Administrator, British Wheel of Yoga Ltd, 25 Jermyn Street, Sleaford, Lincs. NG34 7RU (marked private and confidential). If your complaint is about the Senior Administrator, then you need to address it to the Chief Executive Officer of The British Wheel of Yoga (marked private and confidential) at the same postal address or by email to [email protected]. If your complaint is about the Chief Executive Officer, then you need to address it to the Chair of The British Wheel of Yoga (marked private and confidential) at the same postal address or by email to [email protected] Your complaint will be acknowledged as soon as practicable. The letter of response will contain the following information:-
- Name, email address and telephone number of the person who will investigate the complaint.
- The expected timescale for investigating your complaint and responding to you. We will aim to investigate the complaint within 20 working days. However, if the complaint is complex or requires more time, then this timescale may be extended.
5.3.2 In exceptional cases, for example, where a child or vulnerable adult is involved, in accordance with national guidelines and good practice the identity of individuals at risk will be protected.
5.3.3 Complaints relating to Training will be investigated by the Chair of the Training Committee, having regard to the need to comply with Ofqual stipulations where a complaint relates to the delivery of one of our regulated qualifications. A complaint relating to the delivery of a regulated qualification will be investigated under the BWYT Complaints Policy and may also involve the BWYT Malpractice & Maladministration Policy where the Chair of the Training Committee deems that the necessary criteria have been met.
5.3.4 All other complaints will be investigated by the Chief Executive, who may delegate the investigation to another BWY manager.
The investigation may involve all or some of the following courses of action, as appropriate to the individual case:
- The subject of the complaint will be asked for their written response and version of events
- A meeting between the subject of the complaint and the person investigating
- An internal assessment of teaching competence, or an external assessment should this be deemed appropriate.
- Further information may be sought from third parties regarding the background (for example, from other students on a course)
5.3.5 You will be kept informed at regular intervals as to how the investigation is progressing and timescales involved. You may also be asked for further information and comments to ensure that the Panel has a balanced understanding.
5.3.6 When the person investigating the complaint has made a decision, you will receive a formal written response to your complaint. The response will include the following information:
- A decision about whether the complaint was upheld or not
- The reason for the decision
- The redress, if appropriate, which will be offered to you
- Any other action that may be taken in light of the complaint
5.4 Stage Three (Appeal)
5.4.1 You have a right of appeal against the decision reached by the CEO or the Chair of the Training Committee. Any appeal must set out reasons why you consider the appeal to be merited. You must lodge your appeal within 10 working days of receiving the decision, sending it to the Vice Chair of the British Wheel of Yoga [email protected] or by post to 25 Jermyn Street, Sleaford NG34 7RU.
5.4.2 For all other appeals, an Appeals Panel, normally of three Trustees, will be convened to consider your appeal. Panel membership will be restricted to people who have had no previous involvement in the investigation and consideration of the complaint.
5.4.3 Members of the Appeals Panel will:
- Consider whether the grounds for appeal are reasonable
- Read through the necessary paperwork and speak to any relevant individuals involved with the complaint as they consider necessary
- Make a final decision
5.4.4 The Vice Chair will write to you as soon as possible, to confirm:
- the final decision about the complaint
- the reason for the decision
- the redress, if appropriate, which will be offered to you
- any action that may be taken in light of the complaint
6. Complaints about Trustees
If your complaint concerns a Trustee, it should be addressed to the Chair [email protected] or by post, marked Private & Confidential to British Wheel of Yoga Ltd, 25 Jermyn Street, Sleaford NG34 7RU. Complaints about the Chair should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer [email protected].
7. Accountability
The Vice Chair of the British Wheel of Yoga is responsible for the efficient operation of the Complaints Procedure. Responsibility for carrying out investigations of complaints may be delegated to appropriate personnel in the British Wheel of Yoga as detailed above.
8. Review
This procedure was revised in 2023 and will be reviewed every three years.
9. Recording complaints
The Vice Chair will ensure that a record of all complaints is maintained and will furnish the relevant BWY committees with information regarding the totality of complaints received, reasons for complaints and recommendations for improvements.
Signature CEO Date 22.9.23
Date of next review: 22.9.26

- TComm Chair = Chair of the BWY Training Committee
- M&M = investigation under the Malpractice & Maladministration Policy (regulated qualifications)
- BWYQ = British Wheel of Yoga Qualifications Ltd (the Awarding Organisation for our regulated qualifications).