This course is for you if you are:

  • Looking to take your yoga journey further following the completion of the Foundation 1 course, but not necessarily to teach.
  • Wanting to revisit the pranayama practices or Yoga Sutras for professional development post-yoga teacher training Diploma.
  • A teacher with a Certificate qualification and not yet ready to undertake the Progression to Diploma or simply wanting to explore elements in advance of the diploma.
  • Keen to enhance your knowledge as a stepping-stone to teacher training.

On completion of this course, you’ll gain:

  • The ability to safely practice and modify a range of postures (asana) with more detailed knowledge of their precautions, counterposes and benefits.
  • A deeper awareness of the philosophy that underpins yoga and how it can be used in daily life.
  • Detailed knowledge of pranayama and the use of kriyas, mudra and bandha to help direct energy flow to support self-practice.
  • The ability to design and evaluate a yoga practice.
  • A foundation 2 Certificate (based on 80% minimum attendance).

The course curriculum includes:

The physical: developing the concepts of Sthira Sukha (steady yet comfortable) through a practical exploration of postures across the eight movement types: forward, backward and side bends, twists, inversions, balances, neutral spine and seated practices. Also includes preparation for practice with an opportunity to explore kriyas.

The energetic: a detailed look at Pranayama (Breath control) with nostril, throat and ratio control. Exploring breath retention and when it should be used.

The holistic: an overview of meditation exploring the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as well as preparation for meditation using Tratak (focus on an object), breath, sound and what mindfulness means.

The theoretical: A deep dive into chapter 2 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as gaining an understanding of Sanskrit terminology through mantra/chanting.

The practical: learning how to plan, sequence, modify and assess home practice plans working in groups, pairs and individually.

A great introduction, which demonstrates that yoga is much more than a series of poses. Interesting and stimulating and leaves you wanting to learn even more.

Cerys Baigent

Foundation Course Student, Hampshire


I completed the BWY Foundation Course 1 with Janice Proctor I learned so much from her and she inspired us all.  My yoga path came out so different than when I started itAnd I’m thankful for my new journey.

Becky Skelhon

Foundation Course Student


To anyone considering commencing a foundation course, I would encourage or even urge you to take that step. I promise you will never regret it. You might even find yourself marvelling at the wonders of yoga unfolding before you in a way you never thought possible. 

Arthur Hayes

Foundation Course Student
